

Planning a wedding? Congratulations! Please call Deacon Frank Pettrone at 227-6824 ext. 205 to make arrangements to prepare for this exciting Sacrament of love and lifetime commitment.

Over all these virtues put on love, which binds the rest together and makes them perfect.”  Colossians 3:14

We are delighted that you are considering to celebrate your marriage at St. Mark’s Church. Here is some information you may wish to know in advance. 

In the Catholic Church, marriage between two baptized Christians is considered to be a Sacrament. (If one of the spouses has not received Christian baptism, the marriage is not a sacrament but is still celebrated in the presence of God as one of God’s gifts to the world.  As such, it is understood to be valid and holy.) The bride and the groom contract their marriage in the presence of God, and in the presence of two witnesses and the representative of the Catholic Church. Marriage is a part of the Church's various celebrations of the presence of Jesus Christ in our midst, and, as such, is typically celebrated in the place where the local Catholic community gathers for worship - the parish Church.

 In marriage, a man and a woman:

  •  Freely enter into a vowed commitment of respect, reverence and love.

  • This vowed commitment is to be for as long as both spouse live.

  • This commitment is also a promise of faithfulness and a pledge to be open to children, should God so decide, providing for their good and bringing them up in the faith.

If you are ready to prepare for such a commitment of your lives, we are ready to assist you in that preparation and celebration of love. We suggest that you call us as soon as you have become engaged, even before you make arrangements with party houses, photographers and D.J.s, so that you can see what dates might be open for your celebration and learn what preparation is required. The Church will be reserved for you and the date for your wedding will be set only after you have had your initial interview with a member of the Parish Staff. (If you are not a registered member of St. Mark’s, or do not live within our parish boundaries, it is necessary to obtain the written permission of your proper parish priest or administrator, before for your marriage may be celebrated at St. Mark’s.)

 Prayer Before Marriage

Lord God,

Source of all love,

your providence has brought us together.

As we prepare for the sacrament of marriage

we pray for your grace,

that, strengthened by your blessing,

we may grow in respect for one another

and cherish each other with a sincere love.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.
