Rosary Society

Meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 4:30 PM at church; meeting consists of the Rosary being prayed, and visiting with each other.  Camaraderie and fellowship are the society goals.  

Contact person: Mary Camiolo at 585-360-7396 or email: mcamand447@yahoo.com

Benefitting the Women’s Care Center

The Women’s Care Center provides help and support to pregnant women and new moms who lack the support they desperately need. We will be collecting items from their wish list in the Narthex on May 6-7 and on May 13-14, 2023.


  • Diapers-size 1, 4 and 5
  • baby wipes
  • formula
  • crib sheets, crib and receiving blankets
  • hooded towels
  • baby wash cloths
  • sleepers, sizes 3-6 months and 6-9 months
  • onesies
  • baby socks
  • baby clothes 0-9 months, clothing sizes NB-4T.
  • bibs
  • bottles - 4 oz and 8 oz
  • pacifiers
  • gently used pack ‘n’ plays
  • strollers
  • high chairs
  • swings

In addition to the weekend collection, the Rosary Society hopes you can join us on Tuesday, May 16 at 4:30 pm to pray the rosary for the unborn child, followed by a social “baby shower” with lite refreshments. Help us give these women the compassion and care they deserve as they start their journey as mothers.

MEETING MINUTES FOR -- Tuesday, March 21, 2023, Location: Church - Our Lady of Guadalupe statue area

Kris Burgio, Parish Minister at St. Mark’s, welcomed the group and provided Rosary pamphlets.

Call to order at 4:40 pm with the Rosary.

Attendees:  Speaker: Pat Nisdeo, 7 St. Mark’s Parishioners, 5 Guests

Barbara Miller led the discussion of Old Business based on notes from Minutes of the January 17th meeting. It was agreed that the change of time from 6:30 pm to 4:30 pm is good. 

  1. March: St. Joseph’s Table was not held this year.
  2. April: Ecumenical Dinner had been one of the activities in the past years when Greece churches took turns hosting. Rather than try to pull something together last minute, it was suggested that we use the April meeting to plan ahead for next year. We are scheduled to use the Library on Tuesday, April 18, at 4:30 pm.
  3. Another suggestion was to look into joining St Leo’s Rosary Group which has been active.  (St. Leo’s group usually meets the 2nd Monday afternoon at 12:30 PM of each month. They often travel to other locations to pray the rosary.)
  4. May: Baby Shower will be held at 4:30 pm on Tuesday, May 16, in Library.  Women’s Care Center and other charities were mentioned as possible recipients.
  5. June: Dinner (To Be Determined)
  • Treasury: Our account balance as of Mar. 1, 2023 is $ 1,690.51.PM
  • Books owned by our group will be available for loan at next meeting.

Barbara Miller introduced the guest speaker, Pat Nisdeo. Barbara attends the Rosary group which meets twice a month on Monday afternoons at Church of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Brockport NY. Pat is the coordinator of the “Joy of Praying the Rosary” Group.  The topic was “Apparitions of Mary” which was very informative. Pat used visual aids so we could understand the details such as dates and people involved.

Meeting closed at 6:05 pm.