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To Our Goal and Beyond!

For this year’s Catholic Ministries Appeal, “Forward in Faith”, my Halloween costume honors “Buzz Lightyear” from the movie, “Toy Story”. My “jet pack” is fittingly our electrostatic backpack sprayer that we still use to disinfect our church. Thankfully, we are no longer obliged to do so after each Mass. 

If you recall, Buzz’s phrase in the original “Toy Story” movie was, “To infinity and beyond!” And so, I titled this article, “To our goal and beyond!” It is hard to believe the movie is now over 25 years old! I’m glad I haven’t aged that much over the same time.  The movie certainly had many good lessons for both children and adults. One of the main lessons was that all the toy characters, while being very, very different from one another, were able to accomplish their goals only by working together. It is a simple lesson, but one that each of us, and our culture greatly needs to learn again and again.

Our Catholic Ministries Appeal is an excellent example of our parish coming together to continue the work of Jesus in our world today. No single parish would be able to do what each parish does without our diocese; and our diocese certainly wouldn’t function without her parishes. This year, our CMA reminds us that, our parish, our diocese, and all who are served by our Catholic Ministries Appeal, must come together to move “Forward in Faith”.  If you haven’t made your pledge yet, please do so early. Remember, you don’t need to fully pay off your pledge until the end of May 2022. And please remember our parish family, diocese and our CMA in your prayers. You may contribute with a Pledge card, extra's in the Narthax at church or you can use the electronic online form at: https://www.dor.org/giving/cma-contribute/

May God bless you abundantly, now, and always!

Deacon Frank


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