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“God's Love Unites Us” Program 2024

Posted by Kimm Wesley on 5/02/24

In our second reading this weekend, we hear from the first letter of St. John the exhortation, “Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God.  Whoever is without love does not know God, for God is ... Read More »

A Blessed Christmas to you all!

Posted by Kimm Wesley on 12/21/23

Growing up in an Italian family, as well as an Italian neighborhood and parish, I remember singing and playing a song we simply called “Tu scendi”. But even though I sang the song in Italian, I had no idea what the words meant. I’m sure you have had the ... Read More »

CMA Campaign 2023/2024

Posted by Kimm Wesley on 9/12/23

Did you Get Your Letter?

It’s that time of the year again! The leaves are turning, there is a crispness to the fall air, the mailing with our pledge cards for this year’s Catholic Ministries has gone out and I’m checking our mailbox for my pledge card!  If you ... Read More »

Becoming a Catholic...

Posted by Kimm Wesley on 8/16/23

Do you know someone, or are someone, who:• Has not been baptized and would like to be baptized into the Catholic Faith;• Is a baptized non-Catholic Christian and would like to become Catholic;• Has been baptized Catholic but has not received the Sacraments of Confirmation and First  Holy Communion?

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“God's Love Unites Us” Program

Posted by Kimm Wesley on 4/20/23

As we journey through this 3rd week of Easter, we encounter Jesus as did the disciples on the road to Emmaus, in the Scriptures and the Holy Eucharist. May God’s love burn within us for the mission of Jesus which we continue in each of our lives and in ... Read More »

The Pope and the Bishop want to hear from you!

Posted by Kimm Wesley on 1/13/22

At the end of 2021, the Church opened the process for the Synod and I was asked by Bishop Matano to be one of the facilitators in our diocese. The following couple of paragraphs will give you a sense of what the synod is about.   “The purpose of ... Read More »

To Our Goal and Beyond!

Posted by Kimm Wesley on 10/28/21

For this year’s Catholic Ministries Appeal, “Forward in Faith”, my Halloween costume honors “Buzz Lightyear” from the movie, “Toy Story”. My “jet pack” is fittingly our electrostatic backpack sprayer that we still use to disinfect our church. Thankfully, we are no longer obliged to do so after each Mass. 

... Read More »


Posted by Kimm Wesley on 7/22/20

“. . . and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” – Mt 13:44 I decided to write a very brief synopsis of where we’ve been as a parish over these last few months, and my hopes for our future.

In mid-March, ... Read More »

Do you remember when it was called the “Thanksgiving Appeal”?

Posted by Kimm Wesley on 11/13/18

There is plenty for everyone! You may not remember that at one time, our Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) was referred to as the “Thanksgiving Appeal”. The name we use today better describes the purpose of the appeal, while the previous name seemed to emphasize the disposition we have ... Read More »

The Gospel and Our Response . . .

Posted by Deacon Frank Pettrone on 10/11/17

One measure of a country, a city, or a community is to look at their most vulnerable members. How do they live? How are those who are most in need cared for and assisted by those who are blessed with more? We, the parishioners at St. Mark’s Church, have ... Read More »