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Come Holy Spirit!

Posted by Deacon Frank Pettrone on 5/12/16

This weekend we will celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit!  "Through the Holy Spirit we are restored to paradise, led back to the Kingdom of heaven, and adopted as children, given confidence to call God "Father" and to share in Christ's grace, called children of light and given ... Read More »

Pope Francis' Examination of Conscience Helps

Posted by Deacon Frank Pettrone on 3/03/15

Please copy this address into your browser and enjoy a good article with several examination of conscience points from Pope Francis.


Deacon Frank


3 Minutes: Penance and Reconciliation

Posted by Deacon Frank Pettrone on 3/03/15

I thought I would share this video on the Sacrament of Penance. 

Please copy and paste the below link into your browser.


May you know God's healing love, now and always.

Deacon Frank


"Undoing" the Knots

Posted by Deacon Frank Pettrone on 2/27/15

We had our first afternoon of our Lenten Retreat last Sunday, February 22, 2015.  Many of the people who attended mentioned that it was a beautiful and prayerful time.   At our weekend masses, we also distributed pamphlets explaining the devotion, along with an associated prayer.  You will find more ... Read More »

Ashes, Snow and the Cross

Posted by Deacon Frank Pettrone on 2/21/15

February 18, 2015, we began the season of Lent by being signed with ashes after hearing Matthew's Gospel with Jesus' instruction on how to pray, fast and give alms.  Our Gospel reading for the next day on Thursday after Ash Wednesday is taken from Luke's Gospel, in which we ... Read More »

An opportunity to save lives . . .

Posted by Deacon Frank Pettrone on 1/07/15

January 22, 2015 is the “Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children” in the United States.”  On this day, we each are called to “prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and penance for violations to the dignity of ... Read More »

A Faded Picture . . .

Posted by Deacon Frank Pettrone on 1/02/15

We recently hung a faded picture on a dining room wall in our home.  After working at Kodak for years, and being a critical evaluator of image quality, I had to chuckle when I so readily wanted to display this particular faded picture in our home.  It has a ... Read More »

The Gift

Posted by Deacon Frank Pettrone on 12/24/14

Many people look forward to Christmas as a day when family and friends gather to share meals, spend time together and exchange gifts with one another as a sign of their love and affection.  The origins of Christmastime gift giving are most often attributed to the magi who traveled ... Read More »

In Thanksgiving . . .

Posted by Deacon Frank Pettrone on 11/26/14

 This week we celebrate Thanksgiving.  As Christians, this holiday provides us with a special time to give thanks for all God’s blessings.  The word “thanksgiving” actually means “the act of giving thanks” - a grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favors, especially to God.  I hope and pray you will ... Read More »

One Way to Evangelize – With an Abundance of God’s Love . . .

Posted by Deacon Frank Pettrone on 11/13/14

Mother Teresa once said that she evangelized by her “works of love”.  This was the specific way in which God called her to evangelize.  She went on to say that each disciple of Jesus needs to respond to how God is calling them to evangelize.  She recognized that each ... Read More »